Right now I'm trying to focus on the present - I'm trying not to freak out about the fact that my daughter will be a teenager someday, I'll just love the fact that her little face lights up when I walk in the room :)
Right now, I'm struggling with the idea of her sleeping through the night...she's NOT doing it! Every mom I know says she should be doing it by now, but every two hours on the dot she wakes up and cries to fed or soothed. It breaks my heart to let her "cry it out" when my purpose as her mother is to take care of her - how do I escape the feeling that I'm just being selfish to want her to sleep through the night? Oh, I don't know. The first baby is just trial and error I guess, hah!

I've noticed a huge change in my view of things, with the help of watching a little too many documentaries and studying on my own. I'm shifting more towards eating organic, growing my own meat and veggies, making bread, baby food and whatever else I can at home and giving my family the best I can. Another thing is trying more homeopathic solutions to my daughter's growing aches and pains. When I thought she started teething I hated putting numbing medicine on her gums, and I could tell she hated it too...so a friend recommended getting an "amber teething necklace" - after googling and reading reviews I ordered her an amber bracelet (http://www.amberartisans.com/amtene.html).
Anything I can try to help her grow in the happiest way possible I will try.
Here's to doing the best I can and trying not to stress about it all - thats got to count for something right?
Oh gosh, welcome to Mommy-hood...the first thing you feel besides joy is guilt. It's always there just in different forms or for different things. I still feel it although wisdom, trial and error and good old fashioned experience has gotten rid of most of it. No matter what anyone else is doing, you just have to do the best you can, with most that you know at the time and do what's right for you and your family. You can ask my oldest and she'll tell you I was over protective, Evan will tell you Jennifer gets away with WAY more than he did and Jennifer will tell you I'm the best Mom ever! (I think :-) Life is ever changing but you will just "know" or figure it out with minimal damage. When you are more sick of getting up thru the night than you are feeling guilty, you lay down the gamet. Until then, oh well. She's happy and healthy!