Now that I'm on this organizing kick, I thought I'd share my way of keeping my recipes in order (and I'd be interested to see how other people do it too). After two years of marriage, I had a stack of about 50 recipes that I had written on all kinds of papers and stuck in one of my cooking books. I'll just say this: when it takes you longer to find the recipe then it does to actually cook it, you may have a problem. So I set up my own system and its working so far.
I have a recipe box (full of recipes I have tried & loved, or use often)

And a recipe folder (full of recipes that I haven't tried yet). Once I try a new recipe and love it, I write it on a notecard and it gets a special place in my recipe box.

I also have a binder full of recipes I was given.

When I got married and moved down to Florida with my husband, our church ladies had the wonderful idea of compiling a cookbook full of all their favorite recipes - I LOVED it (maybe you can tell how used it is, hah)! This is such a great idea for a bridal shower gift. I have used it a lot (especially the crockpot & casserole section, haha!).
Now I'm finally leaving the realm of cooking confusion. Even though I grew up in a house where we ate dinner together every night and the menu was always changing, I had the same question for every women I knew "WHAT do you COOK?!" Its hard to know at first what recipes to use or not, but over time you find what works with your own family. I love that I'm more comfortable in this area of life, and now more organized ;)
I have that same recipe book that the Grace Bible Ladies gave me as a wedding gift! It's AWESOME! :)